Category Archives: Cash Flow

Why financial information matters when it comes to running your business

business success

In today’s challenging economic environment, small businesses must be prepared to navigate potential financial and logistical challenges. As accountants, we bring a wealth of expertise and can play a crucial role in ensuring your business success by reminding you why financial information matters when it comes to running your business. Last year, 25,158 corporate insolvencies […]

Here’s how a successful family business primed and transitioned ownership for the next generation.

Even in the midst of success, many business owners are harbouring internal fears about the future. Family-owned Emery Little Wealth Management (EL) had successfully navigated the start-up and growth phases of their business. They were well established with a solid team, good clients, and regular revenue. Outwardly, their foundation seemed unshakeable. Internally, the owners were […]

Warning signs of insolvency


According to the Office of National Statistics. (ONS) in early April 2024,  one in five (22%) of trading businesses were affected by current uncertainty. Long-term growth also remains a huge concern. This is therefore a good time to remind you to look out for warning signs of insolvency. Common warning signs could signal financial and […]

Why managing your cash is so essential right now

According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the UK’s inflation rate has decreased to 7.9% for the year ending in June. This is positive news as the rate of price increases is slowing down. However, it’s important not to become complacent and to continue monitoring your finances closely. In the current economic climate, managing […]

Why is it important to file your accounts on time ?

Most of us accountants are keen to make sure that you file your accounts on time.  If you are a seasoned business owner, you will already know that if you file your accounts late you will receive penalties. But why else is it important to file your accounts on time? You can review the full […]

Mitigating the long-term effect of inflation on your finances

  With continuing inflation in the UK, many of us and our businesses have been put “off track” in the short to medium term so how do you mitigate the long-term effect of inflation? The Bank of England recently increased interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point to 4.25%. This is despite the […]

How to do business during inflationary times

Inflation is affecting everyone and every business across the globe. How do you do business during these inflationary times and where should you pay attention. Soaring inflation is making things difficult for business as costs rise and, in some cases, go out of control.  Consumers are also experiencing the pressures of rising prices and hence […]

High Interest Rates and Rising Inflation – What should you do next?

The Bank of England increased interest rates from 1.25% to 1.75% and has predicted that the UK will fall into recession in the last quarter of 2022. So, with high interest rates and rising inflation what should you do next? The Bank believes that increasing interest rates at a faster rate will mean spending will be controlled. […]

How can I avoid insolvency

The UK is one of the best places to do business in the world.  Yet the current economic conditions of high inflation and problems with resources has meant there is a chance you may be thinking of your business right now and asking the question “how can I avoid insolvency?” You are probably involved in […]

How is your business going in 2022?

business operations

Businesses have a lot on their plate now! You have had a lot on your plate for the last two years. But our world is changing rapidly or so it feels. So how is your business going in 2022? This year has brought different challenges. There is the threat of the “great resignation” where workers […]