Category Archives: VAT

Can you avoid VAT Registration by conducting business through two entities?

split business for VAT

In the  Spring 2024 Budget, the previous government raised the VAT threshold from £85,000 to £90,000, having frozen it at £85,000 for six years. This means a business must register for VAT if its taxable sales have exceeded £90,000 in any rolling twelve-month period. Furthermore, you must register if the sales will exceed £90,000 in […]

VAT on private school fees

VAT on private school fees

As expected, the new Labour government has published draft legislation subjecting private school fees to VAT from 1 January 2025. VAT on private school fees is here. The draft measures have been published for technical consultation before they are included in the Finance Bill for 2024-25. The background The current VAT legislation includes a VAT […]

Why do you need to know the difference between VAT Error and Adjustment?

making a mistake in your VAT Return

  The word “adjustment” means alteration in the English Language whilst “error” means a mistake. The difference between the two is important because when it comes to your VAT Returns how you deal with a VAT error is different to how you can deal with a VAT Adjustment.   What qualifies as a VAT Adjustment? […]

Should you buy a holiday let and use it yourself?

January is normally when so many of us start looking at our holiday plans for the year ahead. What better way to spend those cold dark evenings. A few of us even dream of having a holiday place that we can call our own.  And why not? A place of our own in a familiar […]

Changes to VAT penalties – what you need to know

VAT penalties

The changes in the VAT penalty system which we have known about for a while comes into effect next month (January 2023). We are expecting more details this month from HM Revenue & Customs but here’s what we know so far relating to the changes to VAT penalties. The main reason for the introduction of […]

The Ups and Downs of Tax

We are now in the new tax year 2022-2023 which started on 6th April 2022.  Did you know the chosen year end of 5th April was first introduced in 1752? Back then the new tax year started on 25th March and ended after full 365 days which would be on 4th April. But in 1800 […]

VAT Registered but not yet filing under MTD?


It’s not long to go before 1st April 2022.  What is the relevance of this date you ask? This is the date MTD comes into play if you are a VAT Registered business but not yet filing under MTD.   What is MTD? Making Tax Digital (MTD) is HM Revenue & Customs plan to digitise […]

Tax breaks for your garden office

building a garden office

Most restrictions in England will end tomorrow as Plan B comes to an end! Which side of the divide do you belong to?  Is it time to get back to “normal” and for everyone to go back to the office? Or is it too early and we should all carry on working from home until […]

Trading with the EU – Changes you need to know from January 2022

Full customs controls started on 1 January 2022 – are you compliant? Changes to customs controls came into force from 1 January 2022. HMRC has now written to traders highlighting how that might affect the way goods are imported and exported between Great Britain and the EU. From 1st January 2022 a number of things […]